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Iovine: Apple Music's curation could work for TV

11 Aug 2015 | Rasmus Larsen |

Jimmy Iovine is one of the masterminds behind Apple Music and an important executive at Apple. In an interview with Wired he talks mostly about Apple Music but says that he believes that curation can work for TV, too. A sign of things to come?

A curated TV experience?

Maybe it is nothing, maybe it is something, but when Apple executives talk about the future, people often take it as a hint. Could curation work for TV? Well, yeah it already does on TV channels and linear TV, but what about for modern TV?

What if curation could be applied to an on-demand TV reality; with an editorial staff that would spot-on recommend new content for you to watch when you have time, instead of following someone else’s (the TV broadcaster’s) schedule?

- "We all know one thing, we all have different television delivery systems, don't we all wish that the delivery systems were better, as far as curation and service?" he said to Wired.
- "They're all technically good. And Netflix is starting to cross the code because they're starting to make some original content. It is really good, but still I mean none of us make movies here right, so we're all punters, or what do you call them in the music business, fans right? We want to watch movies. Sit down with your girlfriend or a bunch of friends and try to find a movie online. That box helps you none -- it doesn't help. You're on your own. And eventually that will catch them unless somebody digs in and really helps the customer. And entertainment needs that, it needs to live and breathe."

Apple Music

Apple would surely not be the first to try. Netflix is trying to recommend new movies and TV series based on what you have seen in the past but it is fully automatic, no human involvement, and is still not great - and of course limited to Netflix’s catalogue. Google is trying to recommend new video content from a variety of sources on Android TV’s “recommendations bar” but so far it mostly consists of YouTube videos and movies from Google’s own Play store. It has yet to convince Netflix, HBO and others to engage in a cross-service recommendations (or curation).

In reality, streaming services are liberating but also silos of content. It is still cumbersome to jump from Netflix to HBO to Amazon Prime and find something you want to watch. It takes too much time and is not nearly as easy as just switching to another channel. In Iovine’s own words; “what comes next”? What do you watch after you have finished the sixth Star Wars movie? Well, besides six more… (and rumored TV series on Netflix). You get the idea.

Can Apple fix TV? They are very welcome to try, and with a new Apple TV rumored for September and a rumored TV service shortly after we will soon get our answer.

- Source: Wired

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