LG has just launched its new 65 & 55” Ultra HD TVs and two additional new models will be added shortly. The new LA9650 are “budget” versions of the current TVs and will sell for $1000 US dollars less in 65 and 55 inch sizes.
LG debuts cheaper Ultra HD TVs in LA9650 series
LG’s two new LA9650 models are fairly similar to the LA9700 models that LG just released in select markets
LG’s new cheaper Ultra HD TVs (LA9650) seen to the left and the more expensive Ultra HD TVs (LA9700) to the right
LG’s LA9650 ditch the motorized 4.1 speaker system for a fixed 2.1 speaker system and LG has also left out the built-in camera. The TV design is slightly different with more pronounced bottom bezel. The new TVs boast the same 3840x2160 pixel resolution.
The changes will result in a $1000 price reduction if we are to believe retailer B&H’s placeholders for the two new models, 55" 55LA9650 and 65" 65LA9650. The current LA9700 models are sold for $7,999 and $5,999 and the new LA9650 will be sold for $6,999 and $4,999 for 65 and 55”, respectively.
- Source: LG Korea via Engadget