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Smart TV becoming game consoles
Smart TVs turning into game consoles

21 Jun 2012 | Rasmus Larsen |

When Smart TVs connect to the internet new possibilities arise, and soon our TVs will turn into game consoles. But the games are not installed on the TV; they are run by large data centers and streamed to the TV over the internet. Samsung and LG unveiled “Cloud gaming” solutions at the E3 game conference.

Smart TVs turn into game consoles

Smart TV manufacturers imagine new exciting possibilities with Smart TVs and one of the visions is to turn TVs into cloud game consoles. This does not require powerful processors and graphic chips; instead large data centers take care of the gaming performance and everything is streamed to the TV over the internet.

Samsung og Gaikai
Samsung is working with Gaikai to enable cloud gaming on their Smart TVs

Instead of adding to the hardware price, the internet connection becomes the enabler. And because the Smart TV functionality is already built-in no additional costs are added over non-cloud gaming Smart TVs.

Samsung og Gaikai
Samsung is working with Gaikai to enable cloud gaming on their Smart TVs

Samsung has teamed up with Gaikai and presented their first cloud gaming solution- and Gaikai has high expectations. They will not only focus on minor game titles but also enable users to play the most prominent game console titles found on the PlayStation and Xbox. In the pictures you can see some of the games, including the much-acclaimed Limbo.

Samsung og Gaikai
Samsung is working with Gaikai to enable cloud gaming on their Smart TVs

Gaikai is already an established company and with Smart TV partners they hope to kick-start the cloud gaming era. Samsung and Gaikai’s cloud app will start out as a closed beta soon. When it open up to the public, users will be able to try games before they commit to the monthly. See Engadget’s video demonstration below.

LG teames up with OnLive

LG has also teamed up with Gaikai and one another cloud gaming company called OnLive. OnLive delivers a similar cloud gaming solution and OnLive will allow gamers to play for 30 minutes before buying.

LG on Onlive
LG is collaborating with both Gaikai and OnLive

OnLive will also offer users with the option to buy separate games instead of a gaming subscription package. Titles include Civilization, MLB 2012 and Batman.

The perspectives are intriguing, and the gaming industry seems to be taking the same direction as the music and movie industries.

LG on Onlive
LG is collaborating with both Gaikai and OnLive

Panasonic has also openly discussed the perspectives of cloud gaming on Smart TVs but only has a few titles available right now. Hopefully, we will see Gaikai and Onlive expand to more Smart TVs in the future.

The first Gaikai and OnLive betas will initiate in the USA within a few weeks or months. The final built will require a Samsung 2012 Smart TV (7000 or above) or one of LG’s Google TVs (not available yet). Samsung’s Gaikai app will be called SCG (Samsung Cloud Gaming).

- Sources: Gaikai, Samsung & Engadget
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