Panasonic recently launched a 20-inch tablet with a 4K display, but 4K resolution is also coming to even smaller devices with Sony, Toshiba, and Hitachi’s new 12.1-inch 4K panel for high-end laptops and tablets.
4K display in 12-inch tablets
Sony, Hitachi, Toshiba and the Japanese government have jointly established Japan Display; a display manufacturer. The latest display panel from Japan Display is an impressive 12.1-inch LCD panel with 3840x2160 pixels. Just to make it clear, this panel has four times the pixels of a Full HD TV and as many pixels as the new Ultra HD TVs.
Panasonic demonstrated their 20” tablet with a 4K display to FlatpanelsHD during IFA 2013
Despite the extreme resolution, Japan Display says that the panel is still very thin and has a narrow 2 mm bezel. It consumes very little power, which makes it suitable for use in high-end laptops and even tablets, they believe. The pixel density comes in at 365 ppi (pixels per inch). In comparison, Apple's new iPad Mini with Retina display has a pixel density of 326 ppi and Google’s Nexus 7 has a pixel density of 323 ppi.
4K resolution is coming to 12-inch tablets and laptops soon
No words on when the LCD panel will go into production, but Japan Display is already mass producing smaller panels with the same pixel density, so it will probably happen soon. If they decide to make an even smaller 4K panel, we assume that this customer would be very interested.
The new 4K panel will be on display at FPD International 2013 exhibition this week.
- Source: Japan Display